
The Human Game Boy

A recent power outage zapped all of my works in progress for a number of sites, so, bummed out and unmotivated to write everything back from scratch, I did the unthinkable - I went outside into society to see what there is to find outside of my house. Well, that's a real exaggeration - I'm very active at school and that's what has been sucking up some time as of late, but, recently, I was able to take a weekend to myself and head out to a local anime convention. While numerous video game cosplays were present, among the Pyramid Head, Resident Evil cast, Marios and more, one video game cosplay stood out heads and shoulders above the rest:


It might not be evident by the picture, but, this gentleman, who I didn't have a real chance to speak to because I was promoting my own event and he was swamped with photo requests, took his human console one step further with wiring that turned him into a fully functional Game Boy. Yes, if you were brave enough and he didn't mind, you could play a full game of Game Boy Tetris on his person. I'm not too sure how many people are willing to admit they played Tetris on a man, but if the convention is to be believed, wearing a functional Game Boy is a great conversation piece and an excellent way to impress the ladies.

That being said, I'm currently developing a cosplay which will turn me into a human Virtual Boy.

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